Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

In the framework of Vietnam International Travel Mart VITM 2013 program, conference on “ Making tourism responsible” hosted by Vietnam National Administration of Tourism, Tourism Association of Vietnam and  Environmentally and Socially Responsible Tourism Capacity Development Programm (ESRT) took place on 19 April at the Palace of Culture VietnamSoviet Friendship (No.81 Tran Hung Dao, Hanoi).

With the spirit of “ Making tourism responsible”, of which responsible tourism matters were divided into small conferences and then analysed, evaluated, discussed concretely every different matter such as policy and planning of responsible tourism; management and marketing of destination and technology; green tourism and forums on challenges of expanding tourist market.

On the afternoon of 19 April, two matters on making tourism responsible were discussed in conference are green tourism and forum on challenges of expanding tourist market. The representatives of EU project, Meetbis, Hotel Association, Vietnam National Administration of Tourism made the speeches on responsible tourism-responsibilities of hotel business, water and energy saving solutions, ESCO program, green Lotus label program. The representatives of Vietjet Air, Hotel Association and Buffalo Tour together discussed about the challenges of expanding tourist market.

On 20 April, the conference continued discussing about profits from responsible tourism activities; improving development efficiency; Northwest of Vietnam – interference of nature and culture.


By Fiona

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